Monday, December 8, 2008

Web 2.0 and the Iowa government

I was pleased to read an article in the DM Register highlighting all the web 2.0 tools that our Iowa government is embracing. The Iowa Lottery alone is using text-messaging, a Facebook page, a widget with winning lottery numbers, a blog and a twitter. They like to air videos featuring their lottery winners (wish I were one!). The Iowa DOT is using blogs for news releases and traffic incidents. This is only a few of the uses mentioned in the article. Very cool!!! Way to go Iowa!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Fun Christmas card idea using technology

As I consider which picture to slap on a Christmas card this year I am reminded of a great use of technology. Last year I received an email with a link to You Tube. The clip was of my cousin's family singing Christmas songs (out takes included). It was super cute! And imagine the cards or stamps. Something to consider.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Review my Wiki

I created a wiki for my final project. The wiki is for my group called the Black Tie Society. You can read more about the wiki and my organization here:
Wiki Overview

BTS Wiki

Bedtime Story Audio File (Single Podcast)

Enjoy the bedtime story I recorded for my daughter.

The Tale of Peter Rabbit

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Significant differences in youth interactions

My friend recently told me a story about her neice and the ill effects of technolgoy...specifically the use of cell phones as a means of mass communication. Her neice had her phone stolen. On that phone was a few indecent pics that she had sent her boyfriend. The person who stole the phone put the pics into circuluation and thanks to technology they spread like wildfire. I can't imagine all the negative implications technology has on youth, teenagers specifically. We hear of all the great things about technology in their lives but it is important to remember the times they back fire. As a teenager you do stupid things. Technology can magnify the situation. I'm sure there are many other examples of such painful experiences.

Monday, November 17, 2008

uh-oh, Second Life could be hazardous to your marriage!

I read in the newspaper over the weekend that a couple in England is divorcing over a relationship established in Second Life. A woman caught her husband "cheating" in the online world. No mention of whether the relationship had crossed over to any other real life activities.
I am on the fence with this. Would I like my husband having a make-believe relationship? NO! Do I think it is grounds for divorce? Probably not. I'm guessing there were some other problems in this marriage that led to it's disolve.
I know many people meet online and have successful relationships. Look how pervasive online dating has become. I know two couples that met through an online dating service and are happily married. Then there is the random hooking up through chat rooms or online groups.
How serious are these Second Life relationships and do they spell trouble for established couples?

Friday, November 14, 2008

Guess who is using Skype?

Today I caught Oprah...who was using Skype to interview Melissa Ethridge! I loved it! I many people knew what Skype was before Oprah used it. I also wondered what was being used before Skype. After all, television hosts have been interviewing people in different locations for quite some time. Do you think Skype is reaping any benefits from this?