Sunday, November 23, 2008

Significant differences in youth interactions

My friend recently told me a story about her neice and the ill effects of technolgoy...specifically the use of cell phones as a means of mass communication. Her neice had her phone stolen. On that phone was a few indecent pics that she had sent her boyfriend. The person who stole the phone put the pics into circuluation and thanks to technology they spread like wildfire. I can't imagine all the negative implications technology has on youth, teenagers specifically. We hear of all the great things about technology in their lives but it is important to remember the times they back fire. As a teenager you do stupid things. Technology can magnify the situation. I'm sure there are many other examples of such painful experiences.


Lauren said...

I completely agree that there are a lot of dangers out there with technology and we need to educate our youth and general public about these. Oprah has had shows about young adults missing out on job opportunities b/c of the inappropriate pictures and stories on their Myspace and Facebook pages. Then we have the horrifying online bullying leading to suicide and now the recent suicide which was live via webcam. Just another form of communication to get used to I suppose...check out My First Blog at for more of my opnion.

HRGuy5000 said...

Well, I recently commented on this post, but for some reason it does not appear on the site...hence, I'll try again. I mentioned how great of a story this was, and how I remember times when technology in any form was not used in the best interests of people.

For example, I know individuals who have accidently "sent to all" on their company emails when the content was intended to be private. Also a few times when famous people made off-handed comments when they thought the camera or recording device was off....of course it wasn't.

Anyway, used properly technology can be a great thing. But when people put private information in electronic format, they can be asking for trouble. My rule has always been to ask myself: "If the information I am putting in electronic format were seen by the general public, a judge, my wife, or my mother, would I feel uncomfortable"?

If the answer to that is yes, than I avoid it at all costs. Maybe I'm being is too simple, but it's never failed me. Of course, not many people are racing to see pictures of me on the net.....